Written Fireside - Part 4

Here's the story so far: Part 1 - Lori Connelly Part 2 - Teresa F Morgan Part 3 - Carmel Harrington We're seated around the camp fire, marshmallows toasting, wine and warmth making us rosy... now here's my contribution to the story: Clara cruised down Main Street, her eyes scanning for a parking outside the Lucky Number Café. A car pulled out into the street ahead of her, leaving a space right out front of the café. But what she saw through the front window made her put her foot on the gas and keep on going. The summer house it was. Only when she hit the freeway did her heartbeat slow down enough to enable her to think. What was Derek doing back in town? And what business did he and Mark have together? Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the steering wheel. Had Mark’s invitation to talk been a trap? She didn’t want to believe it of him...not him of all people...but what other explanation could there be for the two of them sitting together like old friends...