Welcome to the dark side: My K-drama addiction

I’m not the first romance author to write about their love of K-dramas and won’t be the last, but this is my space so I'm going to fill it with lots of K-drama love! I was first introduced to K-dramas (South Korean TV dramas) at a virtual conference run by Contemporary Romance Writers (CRW) in 2022, at which author Priscilla Oliveras presented a workshop called K-dramas and Romancelandia Reader Expectation s. I have to confess that, while her workshop inspired me to give them a try and I added a few of her recommendations to my Netflix list, it was another full year before I actually watched my first K-drama. The drama I’d heard recommended the most was Crash Landing on You , but I usually prefer light RomComs that don’t get too serious and this show’s subject matter felt a little dark (A South Korean heiress has a paragliding accident and is blown across the border into North Korea where she is found by a North Korean soldier.) But late one night, browsing Netflix for something...