Final #NaNoWriMo update

Waking up in Vegas is complete! I collected my official winner's certificate on 27th November, which was just as well since this last weekend was manic and not another word got written. The best thing of all about this NaNo is that, though I wrote fairly slowly and didn't achieve the lofty word counts of some of my friends and team-mates, this first draft is quite a clean draft. Since I did a fair amount of planning in October, and then broke the cardinal rule of Nano by editing a little as I went along, the first 30k words are in good shape, and the task of editing that last 20k is not nearly as daunting as it could be. I cannot thank my Team Khara team mates and all the lovely people at Savvy Authors enough. They not only inspired me to keep going, but they made this NaNo the most fun I've had writing in a long time. Well done to all of you who finished NaNoWriMo 2012, and for those who didn't, I hope you at least have more words than you started the mon...