San Diego Day 5 - Rita Day!

Sherry Thomas (image courtesy of Kristan Higgins ) My fifth day in San Diego started with a lovely, healthy breakfast while listening to featured guest speaker Sherry Thomas . Sherry was born and raised in China and moved to the US only in her early teens. Her earliest encounters with the English language were not happy ones, but luckily for her many, many devoted readers that all changed when post partum depression and romance novels came together to convince her she needed to write her own books. The standard of speakers and workshop presenters at the RWA conference is very high. Every one of them have been highly entertaining, incredibly well spoken, and often moving - Sherry Thomas was definitely all of the above. After breakfast I managed to slide in a Skype chat with my other daughter (the one I didn't manage to reach the day before) before Maya and I hurried to catch Michael Hauge 's talk on Story Structure , with particular reference to the Will Smith movie Hitc...