Monthly Mash-up
I first heard of mash-ups from Kristen Lamb, and I think it's a great idea. (Not least of all because it's an easy blog post to put together since I surf the net way too much.) So today I'd like to share a few websites I've stumbled across that have inspired me: This one gave me chills. A fantastic reminder on what our priorities in life really are. The top 5 regrets people express on their deathbeds Britt Michaelian shares inspirational tweets on Twitter as @MamaBritt . I really love this blog post from her: How Inspiration Influences Your Success The post has some useful practical tips on how to practice inspiration. I bookmarked this sweet, humorous post at the beginning of the year, and would now like to dedicate it to the many, many wonderful wise women who inspire me (and yes, that includes YOU). Barbara Scully's Wise Women And finally, one from Kristen Lamb herself, with great tips for Publishers on how they can avoid a serious collision with th...