I'm published!

Those who follow this blog might remember my excitement and disappointment a couple of months ago when a short story I entered in a contest (run by local Essentials magazine and Mills & Boon) first made the Top 20, but then didn't win.

So I was very surprised today to get a message via Facebook from someone who'd read my story in the latest edition of Essentials!

It is so amazing to see my writing in print (though there was one misprint) and I'm hoping this is the start of great things to come ...


  1. Yay - what great news. Huge congratulations, Romy. Nothing beats the buzz of seeing your work in print. And I'm sure it's the start of good things for you.

    Do you know if we can buy it in the UK? I'd love to read it.

  2. Well done Romy, that's great news :-)

  3. Coming in late but just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You rock!

  4. Fantastic Romy! Yey-great things to come! Just the start.


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