I've hit Send!

This afternoon I submitted the 1920s short story I wrote last year to Wild Rose Press. Another wait begins.

So far this story has been rejected by Harlequin's Historical Undone (for which it was written) and by Samhain Publishing. I'm hoping the old saying 'third time lucky' holds true.

I was planning to only send it after I'd mailed off my full manuscript to the RNA, which is a much bigger deal as it requires so much more effort than just hitting send on an email (if only!) but somehow today just felt like a good day.

The deed is done.


  1. Excellent stuff, Romy. Fingers crossed for you.

  2. here's hoping it's third time lucky Romy :-)

  3. Congrats Romy! Every submission is an achievement I think :). I think third time's the charm too.


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