More about kittens

Because I'm concentrating my writing efforts on Nano rather than on updating this blog, today's post is short and sweet, and all about the wild kittens living in our garden.

We haven't seen much of them all week, thanks to the wintry spell that hit Johannesburg on Monday and which has just gotten worse all week. Today, looking out at the constant rain and the solid grey-white sky, I could easily be in England rather than in Africa a month away from the midsummer solstice!


  1. Oh my, so cute! Their eyes are beautiful. Hope they're warming up to you.

  2. Aww so so cute! It's hard to believe they're wild when they're that pretty.

  3. They are beautiful and I'm sure I can see sun in your pictures?!

  4. Joanne - the pictures were taken before the rain set in. Happily, the sun re-emerged on Sunday so now it feels like Africa again.

  5. That is too cute for words! Nice pics.


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