Game Plan
The last week has truly felt like a holiday, even though I haven't taken any leave from the day job. This is thanks to the sunny, warm weather we've enjoyed here in Johannesburg, long days spent beside the swimming pool, and the fact that I haven't written a word for a week. In the meantime, my new story and characters have been sitting in the back of my head, quietly letting me get to know them. In the first week of January I'll start putting words on paper again and I've decided to do my own mini-Nano in January and February to write and polish this manuscript. I'm giving myself three months to send off a partial to 'my' editor at Mills & Boon. Which is going to be complicated by the massive job that has just come in at work and which will include lots of travel, but as the saying goes: where there's a will, there's a way. Thanks to Nanowrimo 2009 I know I can do it. Roll on 2010 ...