My first sale!

And yes, I really am talking about selling something I've written!

The Wild Rose Press has offered to contract a short story I wrote ages ago, currently titled Let's Misbehave. This story is set in 1920s London and is completely different to what I usually write, but it was also the most fun I've had writing and the words just flowed out of me.

There are still some major revisions to get through, but I'll keep you all updated of progress as it happens.


  1. I remember this story. It was really fun. I'm thrilled for you!!

  2. That was a fab story!! Fantastic news, Romy!!

  3. Congratulations! TWRP is an awesome publisher!

  4. Yay, Romy. Congratulations, can't wait to read it.


  5. Wohoo Miss Published! That's fantastic. Can't wait to read it either :)

  6. Romy. Congrats - fantastic news. And yep, like the girls said - can't wait to read it!

  7. Congratulations Romy. Be sure to dust while you're floating around the ceiling! ;)

  8. Mega congratulations Romy! "Let's Misbehave" is a great story and I'm glad to see it'll soon be in print for others to enjoy as well! Good luck with the revisions - should be a fantastic learning experience!

    Have just read a lovey romance by another Wild Rose author - Nancy J Parra. She has two great blogs you may want to connect with and and her website is

    ongratulations again on selling LM! Great news to start a new week and a new year with!

  9. PS Sorry for all the typos - too early in the morning for me!

  10. Oh congrats! You must be over the moon. :D

  11. Oh Romy that's great news! Congratulations!

  12. Congrats, Romy! I haven't read anything set in the 1920's in ages, so looking forward to reading your story!


  13. Romy, that is so awesome!! How did it happen, how long ago did you submit, what kind of revisions did you get? Sorry for all the questions but I love to hear the details of what leads up to 'a call' and of course, I'm just naturally nosy :). I am so happy for you!!!!

  14. Romy - congrats on the sale! EEEEEEEEE! (thrilled squeal)

    Drop me an e-mail and i'll answer your other question. :-)

  15. Fabulous news, Romy! I've only heard good things about that publisher. Like Kaily, I want the whole call story!

  16. Awesome, Romy!! Congrats on your sale! The first of many! :-)

  17. Yay, go Romy. I am so happy for you :-)

    Great time setting for your book too, let us know as soon as you know when it will be released.

  18. I posted a cheer at Write Stuff, but I'm putting one here too! You'll have to post about your experiences, if you can - I have heard nice things about them.

  19. Congratulations! How exciting for you. Enjoy.

  20. Congratulations Romy! I'm so happy for you! Kick some revisions butt ;)

  21. Yeah! Romy!
    Congratulations on your sale to Wild Rose Publishing. May this be the first of many!
    Lorraine Nelson

  22. Go Romy! Go Romy! Visualise little dancing baby from Ally Macbeal here! Whooohoooo!

  23. Congratulations romy. may this be the first step in a future littered with many more published works. tracey


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