An author on a quest for Happy Ever Afters - both on and off the page
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Image courtesy of Harlequin Junkie I've signed up to do the Nano smackdown with Savvy Authors and Entangled Press and scared as I am that I've bitten off more than I can chew, I'm already glad I signed up. Aside from meeting the lovely group of writers who'll be holding my hand through Nano, the Entangled editors are already helping us focus our conflicts and get our plots, characters and GMC sorted. If only we could have editorial feedback this early in the process on every book! Entangled are very big on being clear up front what tropes your story contains. Since I've never really thought of my stories in terms of tropes, this has been a steep learning curve for me, and I spent the weekend researching them. For those who, like me, were wondering what the hell a 'trope' is: it's a convention, or a familiar plot line or set-up, that is instantly recognisable to readers, a kind of 'shorthand' that helps both writer and reader identif...
The ROSA anthology, Wedding Season , in which my short story The Fire Inside appears, is on sale for a short time only at 99c / 99p. If you haven't already got your copy, grab it now!
And yes, I really am talking about selling something I've written! The Wild Rose Press has offered to contract a short story I wrote ages ago, currently titled Let's Misbehave . This story is set in 1920s London and is completely different to what I usually write, but it was also the most fun I've had writing and the words just flowed out of me. There are still some major revisions to get through, but I'll keep you all updated of progress as it happens.
Oooh, thanks for the link. Off to have a look.