I did it!

I hit send yesterday evening and the partial of Beneath the Ionian Sun is now hopefully, finally, sitting in the editor's inbox. And not in her spam filter. Or email heaven. Or the hundred and one other places lost submissions go. Me, anxious?


  1. Well done, Romy!

    Am looking forward to finding out which lucky editor has your partial in her inbox. Very excited for you :-)

  2. Good for you, Romy! I'm awaiting my 'verdict'. It's been three weeks, two days and four hours... Keep us informed!
    Hug, Wilma

  3. Best of luck on your submission Romy!

  4. Yay! Good luck, Romy. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  5. WOOT! Congrats Romy! Where's the wine? ;)


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