Where I work - some of the time

My apologies that I've been AWOL for so long. I've been rolling over from one film shoot onto the next, and as I've said over on the Minxes blog today, I'm currently on Day 3 of a 5 day shoot.

Which makes this the perfect time to show you where I work when I'm not at a desk ... this is today's office:

Usually my office is a camp chair in the VT tent (known as the Video Village on larger shoots), and usually set up in some cow field or on a sidewalk:

but on my previous shoot I had a rather more civilised set up in a professional ballet studio. At least it was out of the elements!

But sometimes being on set offers real challenges ... this is my production co-ordinator (and former book editor) Ceridwen Morris on the Santam shoot I worked on in Cape Town earlier this year. Can you believe anyone would give up working with books to do this?

If you'd like to see the Santam commercial, click here.


  1. Some really cool photos Romy. I think you have a glamorous job. :o))


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