Revisions in my Inbox!

Last week I blogged a teaser tribute to my critique group, the Minxes of Romance. If you haven't yet heard the exciting Minxy news that followed: Maya Minx sold to Harlequin Presents!

It's been a busy week for us, as Sri Minx has finished and sent off her revisions (Yay, Sri!) to Harlequin Presents, Sally Minx is busy with her contracted book which has an imminent deadline, and on Sunday night I received a detailed revisions letter of my own for my New Voices 2011 entry, Once Upon a Time.

The revisions are pretty massive, to the point that the editor even took pity on me and offered I could send her something completely new instead. Since I don't have anything new that I'm ready for outside eyes to see, I've opted to do the revisions.

So this is me heading to join my other fellow Minxes in the Revisions Cave. It's warm and well lit, and we keep it stocked with plenty of coffee, lucozade and chocolate, but no other distractions are allowed. Wish me joy.


  1. Thanks again for the congrats, Romy!

    Yep, the Minxes are on a roll and I know you'll ace your revisions! Wow, your cave looks awesome! Don't worry if you run out of provisions!, we'll send care packages :)

  2. Great news, Romy! :) I really loved your NV entry. I'm so excited to hear it's alive and well. The Minxes are definitely on a roll! Good luck in your revisions cave.

  3. HUGE congrats Romy! That's awesome news. I loved your New Voices entry and can't wait till it's published :)

  4. Yippee! Great news! Congratulations, Romy!
    Can I ask...did you submit your story as a partial or was this a response to the one chapter you entered in NV?

  5. Thanks Maya, Tina and Rach.

    Marcy - this started as a response to my NV entry (I got a lovely crit on my opening chapter from the editors, which is still up on the NV site). First I sent in the partial, then had a full request, and now revisions.

  6. Romy, loved your first chapter so here's hoping the revisions fly out of your fingertips! Good luckxx

  7. That is a very cool cave. Only the best for the minxes!
    You will crack your revisions, your story is a sparkler. x

  8. Congrats on your revisions Romy! The editor can clearly see your potential as a writer, even if the story isn't quite right. Best of luck in the cave! x

  9. Squishes Romy and gives her a hug in the cave....

    You can so do this Romy....

  10. Love that cave, Romy! Good luck with those revisions - you can do it. And all this minxy joy is making me squeak! xxx

  11. Thanks so much for the support ladies [ducks back into cave].

  12. Hi, Romy

    Been following your blog for the last year and I'm so happy for you. Perseverance! Best of luck with your revisions. Can't wait to read you book in print. Well done!


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